Sunday, August 31, 2014

Crocheted Bird Nests

About a week ago, while I was at my Grandparents' house,
My Grandpa showed me a thing on the news where an animal hospital in San Francisco called WildCare was asking knitters and crocheters to make and send nests for injured and rescued baby birds. They've recently started a campaign. Their goal is to get 3,617 nests. They originally wanted over 2,000 but they were getting so many, they decided to raise their goal. People from all over are helping out. Even a lady from Ukraine sent some beautiful ones. Their deadline is tomorrow. Any nests they get after tomorrow won't be used until next April. Oh well. My sister and I were interested, so we decided to do it (my sister made the dark brown one). They are pretty easy and fun to make (I will post the website link below.  You may have to copy and paste the link on Google etc. to find it). The website has several patterns to look at, so we did one of them. We are hoping to get them sent by tomorrow. I hope WildCare likes them! :)

(Our nests)

(Images found online)

Fly Tying

I recently got into tying flies for fly fishing. 
It requires quite a bit of patience, but I am enjoying it.
I have had to improvise on a few of them because I didn't have what I needed.
 I am enjoying myself though. I just hope they work! 

Another Quote of the Day

Amy Carmichael

“He hath never failed thee yet.
Never will His love forget.
O fret not thyself nor let
Thy heart be troubled,
Neither let it be afraid.” 

Saturday, August 30, 2014

"Important Discovery" :)

It looks like Scientists have actually
discovered a real live Teddy Bear! 
Amazing! XD

Today's Quote of the Day

Image result for charles spurgeon

“As for His failing you, never dream of it -- hate the thought of it. The God who has been sufficient until now, should be trusted to the end.” 

-Charles H. Spurgeon-

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Latest Updates...

We went ice skating in three days ago.
We have gone several times before, but I think this was the
first time where I didn't fall at all. That was nice!
Afterward, we went to one of the local malls for lunch.
After we enjoyed looking around for a while, we went home.
We had a great time! I can't wait to go back! 
Also, the day-before-yesterday was my sisters 1/2 birthday.
Our Mom made her a peanut butter half moon cake with peanut butter frosting. It was good!
We found out that same day that someone we know from town was killed the day before in an accident. 
He was driving down to the river down the road, when he somehow drove off of the road, and rolled down a long, steep bank.
 He wasn't found until a road crew just happened to spot his car later that day.
Sadly, I don't know for sure if he was a believer.
I was shocked when I heard about it. Whenever we go down that road, we always see old accident site markers and I'd always hoped and prayed that no one we knew would ever die like that.
 It was horrible news!
The last time we saw him was when he gave us some peaches and plumbs he had grown about two or three weeks ago.  It's hard to believe he's gone.
Please pray for his wife and remaining family!

(Ice Skating)

(My Sister's 1/2 B'day cake.)

~In memory of our friend~

(Also, I did not take this photo.)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Today's Quote

'The bridge of grace will bear your weight, brother. Thousands of big sinners have gone across that bridge, yea, tens of thousands have gone over it. Some have been the chief of sinners and some have come at the very last of their days but the arch has never yielded beneath their weight. I will go with them trusting to the same support. It will bear me over as it has for them.'

-Charles H. Spurgeon-

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Home Again

We got back from camping yesterday.
We had a great time!
Our camp site was right next to a river. There was still plenty of water left in it, so I spent most of the time fishing. I didn't catch anything, though. We also spent a lot of time by the river. I had a lot of fun hopping on rocks from one side to the other!
We were there three days and two nights. The only part I didn't care for, was that the nights were very cold! I wore three layers on top, but I still got very cold. Also, there was a strong breeze almost all day long on both days. We enjoyed that.
The first night we were there, I was able to see a meteor. The next night, I saw a meteor and a shooting star (I guess they're both the same thing actually). That was fun!
We had a wonderful camping trip. I hope we can go again soon! :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Another 'Today's Quote'

'O my Lord Jesus Christ, if I could be in heaven without Thee, it would be hell; and if I could be in hell, and have Thee still, it would be heaven to me, for Thou are all the heaven I want.'

-Samuel Rutherford-

Camping Trip

We are going camping tomorrow.
We haven't done that for about 2 or 3 years.
We aren't quite sure about where we'll go, yet.
We are planning to be gone for two nights.
As long as there's water to swim and fish in, and it's not too crowded, I'll be happy. 
I can't wait to go! :)

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Bridal Shower

We went to my cousin's bridal shower today.
She is getting married in September.
We really enjoyed it when her older sister brought her adorable two-year-old daughter. Her other sister (who had the shower at her house) just recently had a baby boy, so we loved seeing him, too. He is just the cutest thing! :)
After we socialized for a bit, we had a very nice lunch. Then, 
we played a memory game. We had to remember as many objects possible that we saw in a little essentials or "wedding survival kit." Ha ha! My Mom and another lady won. They each got a Starbucks gift card.  After visiting for a while longer, we came home.
We had a nice time. :)

Today's Quote

God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain.

-C.S. Lewis

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Another Poem

  1. 'God Moves in a Mysterious Way'
  2. ~William Cowper~

  3. God moves in a mysterious way
    His wonders to perform;
    He plants His footsteps in the sea
    And rides upon the storm.
  4. Deep in unfathomable mines
    Of never failing skill
    He treasures up His bright designs
    And works His sov’reign will.
  5. Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
    The clouds ye so much dread
    Are big with mercy and shall break
    In blessings on your head.
  6. Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
    But trust Him for His grace;
    Behind a frowning providence
    He hides a smiling face.
  7. His purposes will ripen fast,
    Unfolding every hour;
    The bud may have a bitter taste,
    But sweet will be the flow’r.
  8. Blind unbelief is sure to err
    And scan His work in vain;
    God is His own interpreter,
    And He will make it plain.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Today's Quote From Scripture

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Last Night's Shower

I tried to see the meteor shower last night.
I got up at 20 minutes to midnight, and sat out on our (very small) deck for about 35 minutes.
Unfortunately, the table on our deck 
has a large umbrella up right now 
(I didn't know how to close it), so I was only
able to see a very small portion of the sky. Also,
we live in the middle of town, so there was a street light right next to our house which made it harder to see the stars. Oh well, at least I saw two meteors. One was white and very bright,and the other one was sort of a gold color, and super fast!
They were so pretty! 
I'm glad I at least got to see something. :)

Another Quote of the Day

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Today's Quote

The Lord afflicts us at times; but it is always a thousand times less than we deserve, and much less than many of our fellow-creatures are suffering around us. Let us therefore pray for grace to be humble, thankful, and patient.

-John Newton-

Meteor Shower Tonight!

There is supposed to be a meteor shower tonight.
I don't know how good it will be, but I'd like to see it.
They say that after 11:00 pm., or 12:00 am. is a good time, 
or if you want to wait until 3:00 am., that's a little better (supposedly),
 but I would rather catch the earlier show. :)
Because of the 'Super Moon,' the fainter meteors may be a bit harder to see.
Apparently, this has been going on since the 10th.
I hope it's good!

Here is the 2014 Astronomy Calendar:

Friday, August 8, 2014

What I Did Today

Today, two older men we had done some work for, took my sister and me out to lunch. That was very nice of them! 
One of the men was born in this town, and is full of old stories. I really enjoy playing cards with him!
We went out for Chinese food. I really enjoyed it!
My favorite were the wantons with cream cheese inside, sweet and sour chicken, and I really like egg rolls.
I also tried sushi for the first time. I didn't like it much.
Anyway, we had a very nice time. :)

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Today's Quote

Martin Luther

“The heart overflows with gladness, and leaps and dances for the joy it has found in God. In this experience the Holy Spirit is active, and has taught us in the flash of a moment the deep secret of joy. You will have as much joy and laughter in life as you have faith in God.” 

― Martin Luther-

Banana Pudding

I made Banana (Vanilla Wafer) Pudding a few minutes ago.
It will have to chill for a couple of hours before we taste it. 
I hope it's good. I love Banana Pudding! :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Today's Quote

“Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the Creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.”

Another Quote

Charles H. Spurgeon

“Hope itself is like a star- not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity. ” 

-Charles Spurgeon-

Monday, August 4, 2014

Another Quote of the Day

"God saves believers by imputing to them the merit of Christ's perfect righteousness - not in any sense because of their own righteousness. God accepts believers in Christ. He declares them perfectly righteous because of Christ. Their sins have been imputed to Christ, who has paid the full penalty. His righteousness is now imputed to them, and they receive the full merit for it."

-John MacArthur-

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Another Random Poem

The Moon

~ Robert Louis Stevenson~

THE MOON has a face like the clock in the hall;
She shines on thieves on the garden wall,
On streets and fields and harbor quays,
And birdies asleep in the forks of the trees.
The squalling cat and the squeaking mouse,
The howling dog, and the door of the house,
The bat that lies in bet at noon,
All love to be out by the light of the moon.
But all of the things that belong to the day,
Cuddle to sleep to be out of her way;
And flowers and children close their eyes,
'Til up in the morning the sun shall arise.

(This was one of the first poems I memorized. :) )

Today's Scripture Quote

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16.33

In Case You Are Interested...

I have been interested in Origami 
for a couple of years now. 
It has become one of my favorite hobbies!
Here is a tutorial on how 
to do an Origami heart.
It was one of the first things 
I learned to make.
It is very easy to do. The boy in the
 video explains it very well!


I like this quote...

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Another 'Today's Quote'

" Satan tremble when he see the weakest saint upon their knees."

-William Cowper-

Friday, August 1, 2014

Another Song I Love!

All My Tears--Selah ft. Kim Hill

Today's 'Quote of the Day'

“God could have over-ruled every difficulty in your way, had he seen it expedient. But he is pleased to show you, that you depend not upon men—but upon himself; and that, notwithstanding your situation, may exclude you from some advantages in point of outward means. He who has begun a good work in you, is able to carry it on, in defiance of all seeming hindrances, and make all things (even those which have the most unfavorable appearances) work together for your good.”

― John Newton,'The Letters of John Newton-