I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled today. That wasn't fun! DX
Fortunately, I choose to be sedated, so I didn't feel a thing.
I couldn't eat anything 6 hours prior to my procedure.
I had to take a 10 mg Valium pill an hour before my appointment.
I really didn't like that! It made me feel a bit dizzy and off balance.
When I got to my appointment, they gave me a small amount of mouthwash to clean my mouth with. It tasted nasty!
One of the assistant ladies hooked me up to a blood pressure machine. She said that it would check my blood pressure every five minutes, so they could make sure everything went ok.
After that, they administered the anesthesia through an IV, and I don't remember anything after that.
The next thing remember is waking up, and feeling very dizzy and
sleepy. My Mom had come in not long before I came-to.
When I looked at her, she had three eyes, and the assistant
lady had two heads! It made my head hurt to look at them for
too long, but I thought it was kind of funny!
I had to have some rolled up gauze in my mouth for a while so the bleeding would stop. It made me want to gag a couple of times. Yuck!
The Oral Surgeon had to split my two bottom wisdom teeth in order to get them out. That's because they were leaning in kind of far.
It feels strange not having them anymore.
Thankfully, I am not in a lot of pain because of some strong painkillers. I am still a bit sore, tired, and my bottom lip is still a little numb, but it could be worse. :)
Besides, it'll be kind of nice being allowed to eat ice cream, pudding, and jell-o for the next few days! Hee hee! XD
Although, it will also be nice to have regular food again, too!